Büro zur Miete in Parktown Johannesburg

  • € 12 219
  • Preis/m² € 5
Büro zur Miete in Parktown

Objekt Informationen & Merkmale

  • Büro Objektart
  • Mieten Angebotsart
  • € 12 219 Bruttomiete
  • 2437 m² Floor Area
  • 2 437 m² Gesamtfl.
  • € 5 Preis/m²


This office space caters perfectly to the needs of corporate firms, offering an unbeatable combination of prime location, enticing incentives, and essential features that make it an obvious choice. With amenities including basement parking, four floors of flexible 1000m² open-plan office space, elevators, and easy access to freeways, it provides convenience and accessibility. Each floor is equipped with restrooms, and additional features like tenant improvement options, leasing incentives, bio-metric security, and advanced security measures ensure a comfortable and secure working environment. Moreover, this space offers the flexibility to be subdivided into multiples of 1000m² or more, up to 5000m². For further details, please don't hesitate to contact us.
Additional Features:
- Access Control
- Stand Alone
- Wheelchair Access
- Airconditioned
- Dedicated Parking
- Fibre Cabling
- Good Branding Exposure

This office space caters perfectly to the needs of corporate firms, offering an unbeatable combination of prime location, enticing incentives, and essential features that make it an obvious choice. With amenities including basement parking, four floors of flexible 1000m² open-plan office space, elevators, and easy access to freeways, it provides convenience and accessibility. Each floor is equipped with restrooms, and additional features like tenant improvement options, leasing incentives, bio-metric security, and advanced security measures ensure a comfortable and secure working environment. Moreover, this space offers the flexibility to be subdivided into multiples of 1000m² or more, up to 5000m². For further details, please don't hesitate to contact us.
Additional Features:
- Access Control
- Stand Alone
- Wheelchair Access
- Airconditioned
- Dedicated Parking
- Fibre Cabling
- Good Branding Exposure

Lease Details

  • € 12 219 Gross Monthly Rental
  • € 5 Rental/m²

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