Lagerhalle zur Miete in Montague Gardens West Coast

  • € 5 560
  • Preis/m² € 4
Lagerhalle zur Miete in Montague Gardens

Objekt Informationen & Merkmale

  • Lagerhalle Objektart
  • Mieten Angebotsart
  • € 5 560 Bruttomiete
  • 1 526 m² Gesamtfl.
  • € 4 Preis/m²
  • Ja 3 Phasen Strom
  • Ja Industriegebiet


Conveniently situated in a pristinely maintained park, with easy accessible entry and exit points from both Montague Drive and BP Road, this spacious warehouse boasts double-volume roofing and a truck-height roller door for efficient loading and unloading. Its prime location near public transport and a variety of amenities make it an ideal choice for employee convenience and accessibility.

Key features include:
* Spacious warehouse with a total area of 1526m2.
* Features a 4.5m roller shutter door for easy loading/unloading of goods.
* Offers a generous eaves height of 6m, allowing for vertical storage.
* Equipped with a 160Amp 3-phase power supply for efficient operations.
* Insulated roofing ensures optimal temperature control for stored goods.
* Includes reception room, duplex offices, and a boardroom for administrative tasks.
* Provides 24/7 security and access control for added safety.
* Offers male and female ablutions for convenience.
* Approximately 12 bays for staff and visitors.

Montague Gardens is renowned for its modern and well-planned layout, making it a highly sought-after industrial area. Its proximity to both Cape Town's harbor and International airport also make it a strategic location for businesses. For more information on this exceptional property, please contact the Rawson Area Specialist.

Conveniently situated in a pristinely maintained park, with easy accessible entry and exit points from both Montague Drive and BP Road, this spacious warehouse boasts double-volume roofing and a truck-height roller door for efficient loading and unloading. Its prime location near public transport and a variety of amenities make it an ideal choice for employee convenience and accessibility.

Key features include:
* Spacious warehouse with a total area of 1526m2.
* Features a 4.5m roller shutter door for easy loading/unloading of goods.
* Offers a generous eaves height of 6m, allowing for vertical storage.
* Equipped with a 160Amp 3-phase power supply for efficient operations.
* Insulated roofing ensures optimal temperature control for stored goods.
* Includes reception room, duplex offices, and a boardroom for administrative tasks.
* Provides 24/7 security and access control for added safety.
* Offers male and female ablutions for convenience.
* Approximately 12 bays for staff and visitors.

Montague Gardens is renowned for its modern and well-planned layout, making it a highly sought-after industrial area. Its proximity to both Cape Town's harbor and International airport also make it a strategic location for businesses. For more information on this exceptional property, please contact the Rawson Area Specialist.

Lease Details

  • 8% Annual Escalation
  • € 5 560 Gross Monthly Rental
  • 36 months Lease Period
  • € 4 Rental/m²

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