Büro zur Miete in Woodstock Southern Suburbs

  • € 1 799
  • Preis/m² € 9
Büro zur Miete in Woodstock

Objekt Informationen & Merkmale

  • Büro Objektart
  • Mieten Angebotsart
  • € 1 799 Bruttomiete
  • 196 m² Gesamtfl.
  • € 9 Preis/m²
  • Ja Gewerbegebiet


Dive into the heart of Cape Town's vibrant Woodstock with our prime commercial space at The Boulevard! Spanning 196 sqm on the ground floor, this high-grade property is a strategic gem for businesses. Equipped with essential amenities like backup generator and water supply, it sets the stage for success. Let's explore the allure of Woodstock and the benefits it brings to businesses.

Location Overview:
Woodstock, once an industrial area, has transformed into a dynamic commercial and residential hub. Minutes away from Cape Town's CBD, The Boulevard enjoys easy access to major transportation routes, ensuring seamless connectivity for clients, employees, and suppliers. Its eclectic mix of old-world charm and contemporary vibes creates a unique atmosphere, drawing in a diverse clientele and offering endless opportunities for businesses.

Benefits of The Boulevard, Woodstock:

Strategic Accessibility: The Boulevard's prime location ensures effortless connectivity, boosting efficiency and productivity for businesses.
Amenity-Rich Environment: With backup generator and water supply, interruptions are minimized, allowing for smooth operations even during unforeseen circumstances.

Thriving Business Community: Woodstock's reputation as a burgeoning business district fosters networking and collaboration opportunities, fueling innovation and growth.

Cultural Vibrancy: Businesses can tap into Woodstock's artistic energy to enhance their brand identity and community engagement, enriching their overall presence.

Potential for Growth: Positioned within a neighborhood on the rise, The Boulevard offers long-term growth potential, making it an ideal investment choice for savvy businesses.

Embrace the essence of Woodstock and elevate your business to new heights at The Boulevard!

Dive into the heart of Cape Town's vibrant Woodstock with our prime commercial space at The Boulevard! Spanning 196 sqm on the ground floor, this high-grade property is a strategic gem for businesses. Equipped with essential amenities like backup generator and water supply, it sets the stage for success. Let's explore the allure of Woodstock and the benefits it brings to businesses.

Location Overview:
Woodstock, once an industrial area, has transformed into a dynamic commercial and residential hub. Minutes away from Cape Town's CBD, The Boulevard enjoys easy access to major transportation routes, ensuring seamless connectivity for clients, employees, and suppliers. Its eclectic mix of old-world charm and contemporary vibes creates a unique atmosphere, drawing in a diverse clientele and offering endless opportunities for businesses.

Benefits of The Boulevard, Woodstock:

Strategic Accessibility: The Boulevard's prime location ensures effortless connectivity, boosting efficiency and productivity for businesses.
Amenity-Rich Environment: With backup generator and water supply, interruptions are minimized, allowing for smooth operations even during unforeseen circumstances.

Thriving Business Community: Woodstock's reputation as a burgeoning business district fosters networking and collaboration opportunities, fueling innovation and growth.

Cultural Vibrancy: Businesses can tap into Woodstock's artistic energy to enhance their brand identity and community engagement, enriching their overall presence.

Potential for Growth: Positioned within a neighborhood on the rise, The Boulevard offers long-term growth potential, making it an ideal investment choice for savvy businesses.

Embrace the essence of Woodstock and elevate your business to new heights at The Boulevard!

Lease Details

  • € 1 799 Gross Monthly Rental
  • € 9 Rental/m²

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