Büro zur Miete in Woodstock Southern Suburbs

  • € 1 532
  • Preis/m² € 6
Büro zur Miete in Woodstock

Objekt Informationen & Merkmale

  • Büro Objektart
  • Mieten Angebotsart
  • € 1 532 Bruttomiete
  • 250 m² Gesamtfl.
  • € 6 Preis/m²
  • Ja Gewerbegebiet


Woodstock Exchange is a mixed-use development located in the vibrant suburb of Woodstock in Cape Town. It features a variety of retail spaces, offices, co-working spaces, and residential apartments. The Woodstock Exchange fosters fledgling businesses and provides a stable home to international market makers and affluent artisans. It has always been an incubator for creativity and inspirational exchange.

This commercial property offers a spacious and versatile layout with a big open plan area that can be tailored to various business needs. The property features a well-equipped kitchen for convenient food preparation, a welcoming reception area to greet clients, and a modern glass-enclosed office space that provides privacy while maintaining a sense of openness. Additionally, a storage room is available to keep supplies organized. The property includes common area bathrooms for the convenience of both occupants and visitors, ensuring a comfortable and professional environment for conducting business activities.

For enquiries or to arrange a viewing please contact or email Tyrone.

Woodstock Exchange is a mixed-use development located in the vibrant suburb of Woodstock in Cape Town. It features a variety of retail spaces, offices, co-working spaces, and residential apartments. The Woodstock Exchange fosters fledgling businesses and provides a stable home to international market makers and affluent artisans. It has always been an incubator for creativity and inspirational exchange.

This commercial property offers a spacious and versatile layout with a big open plan area that can be tailored to various business needs. The property features a well-equipped kitchen for convenient food preparation, a welcoming reception area to greet clients, and a modern glass-enclosed office space that provides privacy while maintaining a sense of openness. Additionally, a storage room is available to keep supplies organized. The property includes common area bathrooms for the convenience of both occupants and visitors, ensuring a comfortable and professional environment for conducting business activities.

For enquiries or to arrange a viewing please contact or email Tyrone.

Lease Details

  • € 1 532 Gross Monthly Rental
  • Negotiable Lease Period
  • € 6 Rental/m²

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