Lagerhalle zur Miete in Retreat Southern Suburbs

  • € 4 526
  • Preis/m² € 1
Lagerhalle zur Miete in Retreat

Objekt Informationen & Merkmale

  • Lagerhalle Objektart
  • Mieten Angebotsart
  • € 4 526 Bruttomiete
  • 1355 m² Floor Area
  • 3 363 m² Gesamtfl.
  • € 1 Preis/m²
  • Ja Industriegebiet


Situated in Retreat, with direct access to public transport, the Main Road, M3 and M5, this Southern Suburbs warehouse is spacious and has great offices overlooking the warehouse operation. There are two large roller shutter access points to the warehouse and the offices have their own entrance.

Additionally, a big drawing factor is the solar power system that has been installed and when not utilised fully, feeds power back into the grid.

The building is on a large Erf, providing a very nice yard for trucks and parking and the premises are behind automated gates, so security is well seen to. There is also an alarm.

There are ablution facilities, kitchenettes, locker rooms, canteen areas etc - all that is needed!

Situated in Retreat, with direct access to public transport, the Main Road, M3 and M5, this Southern Suburbs warehouse is spacious and has great offices overlooking the warehouse operation. There are two large roller shutter access points to the warehouse and the offices have their own entrance.

Additionally, a big drawing factor is the solar power system that has been installed and when not utilised fully, feeds power back into the grid.

The building is on a large Erf, providing a very nice yard for trucks and parking and the premises are behind automated gates, so security is well seen to. There is also an alarm.

There are ablution facilities, kitchenettes, locker rooms, canteen areas etc - all that is needed!

Lease Details

  • € 4 526 Gross Monthly Rental
  • Negotiable Lease Period
  • € 1 Rental/m²

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