Büro zur Miete in Centurion Central Centurion

  • € 1 679
  • Preis/m² € 4
Büro zur Miete in Centurion Central

Objekt Informationen & Merkmale

  • Büro Objektart
  • Mieten Angebotsart
  • € 1 679 Bruttomiete
  • 379 m² Gesamtfl.
  • € 4 Preis/m²
  • Ja Gewerbegebiet


The 370sqm commercial space on the ground floor of Centurion Mall Offices presents a fantastic opportunity for businesses seeking a prime location. With an open plan layout, this space offers flexibility for various types of businesses to customize the interior according to their specific needs.

One of the major advantages of this space is the ample secure parking available. Situated on the same grounds as Centurion Mall, tenants and customers will benefit from convenient and secure parking facilities. The direct connection between the store front and a dedicated parking section eliminates the need for customers to navigate through the entire mall, ensuring easy access to the space.

Centurion Mall Offices also provide backup power generators, ensuring uninterrupted operations even during power outages. This feature provides businesses with a reliable and efficient working environment. Additionally, the premises are equipped with robust security measures, including on-site security personnel, to ensure a safe and secure atmosphere.

Located in Centurion Mall, this 370sqm commercial space offers businesses an ideal opportunity to establish themselves in a high-traffic area. The combination of an open plan layout, ample secure parking, backup power generators, and on-site security make it an attractive option for various businesses looking for a convenient and well-equipped space to thrive.

The 370sqm commercial space on the ground floor of Centurion Mall Offices presents a fantastic opportunity for businesses seeking a prime location. With an open plan layout, this space offers flexibility for various types of businesses to customize the interior according to their specific needs.

One of the major advantages of this space is the ample secure parking available. Situated on the same grounds as Centurion Mall, tenants and customers will benefit from convenient and secure parking facilities. The direct connection between the store front and a dedicated parking section eliminates the need for customers to navigate through the entire mall, ensuring easy access to the space.

Centurion Mall Offices also provide backup power generators, ensuring uninterrupted operations even during power outages. This feature provides businesses with a reliable and efficient working environment. Additionally, the premises are equipped with robust security measures, including on-site security personnel, to ensure a safe and secure atmosphere.

Located in Centurion Mall, this 370sqm commercial space offers businesses an ideal opportunity to establish themselves in a high-traffic area. The combination of an open plan layout, ample secure parking, backup power generators, and on-site security make it an attractive option for various businesses looking for a convenient and well-equipped space to thrive.

Lease Details

  • € 1 679 Gross Monthly Rental
  • € 4 Rental/m²

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