Lagerhalle zur Miete in Johannesburg Central Johannesburg

  • € 2 112
  • Preis/m² € 2
Lagerhalle zur Miete in Johannesburg Central

Objekt Informationen & Merkmale

  • Lagerhalle Objektart
  • Mieten Angebotsart
  • € 2 112 Bruttomiete
  • 1404 m² Floor Area
  • 1 404 m² Gesamtfl.
  • € 2 Preis/m²
  • Ja Industriegebiet


This marvelous warehouse in Selby, Johannesburg. Selby is a business hub known for its business reputation for business success, allow your business to take on this opportunity. The reception for the warehouse has a great exposure to the street with incredible lighting entering the office north facing. A hallway leading to a massive warehouse space. The warehouse has a private remote gate access for trucks to load and offload. The unit has a high roller shutter door and sprinklers. There are spacious offices upstairs for the company's department. Additionally, there is a big walk-in safe to keep company's confidential documents or equipments. A kitchenette and bathrooms are also located close to the offices. Easy access to highway and the main roads via M1S and M1N.

This marvelous warehouse in Selby, Johannesburg. Selby is a business hub known for its business reputation for business success, allow your business to take on this opportunity. The reception for the warehouse has a great exposure to the street with incredible lighting entering the office north facing. A hallway leading to a massive warehouse space. The warehouse has a private remote gate access for trucks to load and offload. The unit has a high roller shutter door and sprinklers. There are spacious offices upstairs for the company's department. Additionally, there is a big walk-in safe to keep company's confidential documents or equipments. A kitchenette and bathrooms are also located close to the offices. Easy access to highway and the main roads via M1S and M1N.

Lease Details

  • € 2 112 Gross Monthly Rental
  • 36 months Lease Period
  • € 2 Rental/m²

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