Geschäft zur Miete in Greenside Johannesburg

  • € 1 767
  • Preis/m² € 6
Geschäft zur Miete in Greenside

Objekt Informationen & Merkmale

  • Geschäft Objektart
  • Mieten Angebotsart
  • € 1 767 Bruttomiete
  • 273 m² Floor Area
  • 273 m² Gesamtfl.
  • € 6 Preis/m²
  • Ja Gewerbegebiet


This is a versatile property, having been rezoned to Business Category 1.

The permissible usage includes offices, showrooms, business purposes, medical rooms (including beauty and cosmetology services), clinics, self-storage, call centers, financial institutions, urban agriculture, and shops.

Not included usage are restaurants, banks, dry cleaners, places of worship, and assembly.

The large open-plan layout, recently revamped wooden flooring, and top-quality finishes make it an attractive option for potential tenants.

The lower area can comfortably house offices and there is ample parking for up to 10 vehicles which enhances the property's appeal.

Situated in the heart of the thriving Greenside strip is advantageous, as it is surrounded by various amenities such as restaurants, retail shops, offices, and cafes, making it an attractive option for potential tenants.

The high volumes of both walking and vehicle traffic create a bustling and vibrant environment, providing an excellent opportunity for a business to establish a presence and attract customers.

This is a versatile property, having been rezoned to Business Category 1.

The permissible usage includes offices, showrooms, business purposes, medical rooms (including beauty and cosmetology services), clinics, self-storage, call centers, financial institutions, urban agriculture, and shops.

Not included usage are restaurants, banks, dry cleaners, places of worship, and assembly.

The large open-plan layout, recently revamped wooden flooring, and top-quality finishes make it an attractive option for potential tenants.

The lower area can comfortably house offices and there is ample parking for up to 10 vehicles which enhances the property's appeal.

Situated in the heart of the thriving Greenside strip is advantageous, as it is surrounded by various amenities such as restaurants, retail shops, offices, and cafes, making it an attractive option for potential tenants.

The high volumes of both walking and vehicle traffic create a bustling and vibrant environment, providing an excellent opportunity for a business to establish a presence and attract customers.

Lease Details

  • € 1 767 Gross Monthly Rental
  • 12 months Lease Period
  • € 6 Rental/m²

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