Fabrik zur Miete in Tunney Germiston

  • € 11 566
  • Preis/m² € 0
Fabrik zur Miete in Tunney

Objekt Informationen & Merkmale

  • Fabrik Objektart
  • Mieten Angebotsart
  • € 11 566 Bruttomiete
  • 24 000 m² Gesamtfl.
  • € 0 Preis/m²
  • Ja Gewerbegebiet


Perfectly Located on the boarder of Tunney and Meadowdale, this property is easily accessible from major highways N12/R24/R21 and N3. The property has a huge yard area which accommodates superlinks with ease. The property is secure and has controlled access.

The factory has over 3mva of 3phase power with multiple 3phase outlets and compressed air pipes throughout. There are large roller doors situated in and around the building. In one section of the building there is an overhead crane available. There is great height to eaves of 6m, good natural lighting and office space. There are great staff facilities, large canteen area and male and female ablutions.

There's an additional warehouse/factory of 433m available for and extra R25 980.00

Perfectly Located on the boarder of Tunney and Meadowdale, this property is easily accessible from major highways N12/R24/R21 and N3. The property has a huge yard area which accommodates superlinks with ease. The property is secure and has controlled access.

The factory has over 3mva of 3phase power with multiple 3phase outlets and compressed air pipes throughout. There are large roller doors situated in and around the building. In one section of the building there is an overhead crane available. There is great height to eaves of 6m, good natural lighting and office space. There are great staff facilities, large canteen area and male and female ablutions.

There's an additional warehouse/factory of 433m available for and extra R25 980.00

Lease Details

  • € 11 566 Gross Monthly Rental
  • € 0 Rental/m²

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