Lagerhalle zur Miete in Meadowdale Germiston

  • € 11 963
  • Preis/m² € 2
Lagerhalle zur Miete in Meadowdale

Objekt Informationen & Merkmale

  • Lagerhalle Objektart
  • Mieten Angebotsart
  • € 11 963 Bruttomiete
  • 5 000 m² Gesamtfl.
  • € 2 Preis/m²
  • Ja Gewerbegebiet


Triple A grade, extremely clean and free standing. An all round well balanced, outstanding commercial facility. Centrally located in Meadowdale makes this building easily accessible. The N12/R24 and N3 are a few short minutes' drive along with OR Tambo international airport.

There is a fancy office component with all the bells and whistle's such as a welcoming double volume reception area which leads onto multiple private and open plan office space, classy boardrooms, kitchenettes and office staff toilets. A large showroom with its own private entrance
adds great value to this facility. It also includes a large kitchen and courtyard. There's a large balcony for short breaks and great views on the upper level.

There are two access points to this property which both lead onto large On grade roller doors, 2 on one side of the building and 3 on the other. There is good height to eaves, great natural lighting and mezzanine space with dry walling offices, labs and more, all which could be utilised to your convenience. The building is also equipped with 200amp 3phase power.

Triple A grade, extremely clean and free standing. An all round well balanced, outstanding commercial facility. Centrally located in Meadowdale makes this building easily accessible. The N12/R24 and N3 are a few short minutes' drive along with OR Tambo international airport.

There is a fancy office component with all the bells and whistle's such as a welcoming double volume reception area which leads onto multiple private and open plan office space, classy boardrooms, kitchenettes and office staff toilets. A large showroom with its own private entrance
adds great value to this facility. It also includes a large kitchen and courtyard. There's a large balcony for short breaks and great views on the upper level.

There are two access points to this property which both lead onto large On grade roller doors, 2 on one side of the building and 3 on the other. There is good height to eaves, great natural lighting and mezzanine space with dry walling offices, labs and more, all which could be utilised to your convenience. The building is also equipped with 200amp 3phase power.

Lease Details

  • € 11 963 Gross Monthly Rental
  • € 2 Rental/m²

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